Initially, I found the annoyance of adding so many applications and the notion of not having any friends that I really know.
Jass & Jess had been saying to me that it is really easy and enjoyable to use.
Time passed by and amazingly, I managed to find some long lost friends over there!!
2 of those friends had messaged `````Surprise ! surprised ! to find you in facebook~’.
And one had commented how within weeks , friends back from primary school days
had started appearing….among all in Facebook!.
And was I glad to find them!!!...it’s been ages. I have not meet them since I was in Primary 12!
How apt to be called `Facebook’, considering the hazy familiar faces of past friends
been sprouting!
Found it was such an ease to be connected through the virtual world with friends especially those that I am not able to meet mostly due to geographical divide.
It’s informative to browse freely at their life through their snapshots. Pictures do
speaks volumes sometimes. And the `wall’ that scribble their piece of their mind or
reveals a part of their life.
With other adorable applications, am I thrilled to slap, hug, kiss or even throw sheeps at
them !.
And yeah, I even had Mac, my adorable pet dolphin.
Yeah, life’s good……virtually….stay connected always.