I watched `Dark Knight' not because I always like Batman
movie. It's particularly for the much touted Heath Ledger.
Had heard so much about him after his passing.
Truly, the movie is streaming along dark edgy story lines.
It is a good movie.
I particularly focussed on the psychotic Joker character.
It is an awesome acting. But I find him to be a sad character
and yet a psycho who so aware of human being weakness,
who know exactly what make a perfect human to crack under
tremendous pressure.
It's dark.....
Well, it's a mere coincidence that actors who had acted in
dark characters such as Brandon Lee and Heath Ledger
eventually have their life cut short which amazed me and
which made me glued at Joker wicked twisted personality.
And the late talented River Phoenix once said.......
"Life is multi-layered and there's no way
I could do my life justice in one pat answer.''
- River Phoenix
or even Kurt Cobain's quote:
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than lovedfor who I am not.'' Kurt Cobain
their short unpretentious talented life moves me......
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